Reluctant half-elf cleric
Mediocre Swimmer
Would-be creator of a race of genetic supermen
Lover of puff-pastry-based cheese snacks
Snowflake pattern designer
Below average computer game player
Semi-professional loafer
Admirer of fragrant flowers
Captain of Industry
Over-enthusiastic cake scoffer
Proud collector of 9000 nectar points
Self-important analyst of zombie movies
Partially effective communicator
Self-appointed voice of the people
Former Master of the Universe
Incessant daydreamer
Computer industry historian
Scruffy-looking nerf herder
Fully loaded and ready for dinner
Manic Miner player of the highest order
Salt and Vinegar Flavoured
Decorated Veteran of the Console Wars
A Crash Smash
Charitable Donator of more than three pounds (this year)
Noted 3D Artist of three cubes and a cylinder
Regular hamster cage cleaner
Avid news watcher
Well-read owner of more than twelve books
<Insert witty catchphrase>
E. Peter Eastwood
Full stack web developer